Glendhu Bay

After a misty start, it turned out to be a stunning day, off early with sam in tow, first stop Roy's Bay Yep the little tree, meet some blippers who have come in for the weekend, so after a chat and some photos back into the car and off to Glendhu Bay
It was stunning, with my battery running low and yes I forgot to pick up a charged on silly me
Decided to call it a day, as I had to be back for lunch with Snowy WAlkingwombat and Cyclinggranny, so droped sam off home and droped the keys in the car which was fine expect that I had at the same time closed to door and the car locked, and guess what sam was still I side.
A call to our local garage man So half hour later A turned up and another half hour to get into the car a very tricky lock to trick so it seems which is a good thing, glad I parked the car in the garage.
That done big pats for sam and a nice bone and off to snowy for lunch. We decided that we would tag our blips Anzac wanaka easy for blippers to find us. Still running behind hope to catch up soon.

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