
By Quackers

Cow Poo Church...

....I'm sure this church has a much nicer name but whenever my car window is open when I drive past that's all I can smell....hence the name..

I drove past this church every day for just over 6 months until I changed jobs 3 months ago.

I went back to my old workplace today to help out with some interviews so stopped to take a quick snap of something that made me smile twice a day for 6 months...no matter what the weather this Church always makes me smile...it's so pretty and quaint...and I also really like the smell of the countryside...my children inform me that I am 'speshial' because of this...that's ok...I can deal with that ;)

I really loved going back to my old workplace too...I remembered what a lovely location it is and how much I enjoyed it...It was only ever a short term position due to it being so far away from home...I really miss it..

I've spent the whole day interviewing....now it's time for some nothingness to complete my day...

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