
The Martin is the older of the two gate towers surviving from Freiburg's first fortification that was created in the early 13th century. The first mention of "Porta Sancti Martini" took place 1238th.

Like the other four gate towers was inserted flush into the city wall and connected to the parapet behind the battlements of the wall and the crown of Martin gate. To the east of Martinstors this opening height of about six meters is still clearly visible. Before the gate farm hand lay a walled atrium as an additional defense and a bridge over the 12 meters wide and 5 meters deep ditch.

End of the 19th century demanded parts of citizenship, the elimination of the two remaining city gates. Contrast Mayor Otto wintering left St. Martin's in the summer of 1901 to expand. The gate was increased three-fold - from 22 to 60 meters - and provided with a structure in the style of the 15th century.

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