Where It All Began

First, thank you to all of your congratulatory thoughts on #1000. That's a lot of shots, and many of you have been there for most of those days.

As this is #1001, on a run now for my next one thousand shots, I thought I'd go back to the setting of my first post, July 27, 2012. I'll put a link to it at the end. This is from the top southwestern corner of our property, our barn the building at the right, our house hidden in the trees to the right of the barn. While it doesn't look like much of a hill, this was a mighty struggle for Kirby to climb. He did it last night too, probably the first time in nearly a year. He used to run up this while we wheezed behind. It is so tough to watch him struggle so. He has been such a champion of trails through the mountains and valleys of Oregon his whole life. What a great life he's had, and what a great life we've had with him.

I'm kind of dumbstruck by 1000 days in a row posting a photo to this site. My subjects have been varied, but I guess the thing that comes through it all is nothing remains the same. Time marches on. Will Kirby, the subject of so many shots here, be around to celebrate 2000? Seems unlikely, but you never know. Will Tom or I be here for 2000? No guarantees. But we were here for #1001, and for today that's all we have.

I wanted to make sure as I start my advance for how many of these I have left, that my two best friends were featured, front and center.

Here is Shot #1, taken over 1000 days ago.

I have another shot, somewhere, that I took from this same location nearly 30 years ago, with our black labs Maggie and Jake. If I find it, I'll post it. Thanks for following. To infinity, and beyond!!!

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