Pink Cherry Blossom....

It's the time of year when the pink cherry blossom takes centre stage in an English spring. I was watching the news last weekend. It’s full of the general election at the moment. One of the reporters from the BBC was doing a piece from Parliament Square in London. I noticed that the pink cherry blossom trees in London were in full bloom while the ones 180 miles north, here in Manchester, were still in tight bud. You might be able to tell I’m less that riveted by this election campaign if I’m noticing the trees more than the messages from our leaders.

Well, a week of warm sunshine has brought the cherry trees out in Manchester in all their blousy glory. They look stunning everywhere but, sadly, they are all show; no perfume and, because they are infertile, no cherries later in the year. These trees were in Beech Park in Chorlton.

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