
Glorious day with no plans. So a lie in, spot of London marathon on the telly and then a spot of gardening with Will who got a trug full of gardening equipment for his birthday which he was itching to try out. We had to do some rearranging to make room for my new office building, thus generated armfuls of rhubarb. Then we made a start at creeping buttercup eradication and Will planted sweet corn, cosmos and catnip seeds (I know how to buy an 8 year old good birthday presents!!).

Then a quick swim and a delivery of half the rhubarb crop to my mum and dad. And home to make two dishes from some lamb leftovers ( moussaka, oddly my new favourite and crispy lamb with pea purée - bloody lovely for my tea)

Dinner, bath, penultimate HP1 chapter with Will, telly, bed. V good day.

Oh and, Daisy is a great fan of 8/10 cats does countdown, don't judge me for the potential adult humour, she's 13 for goodness sake. She watched an episode of just plain countdown today and was speechless with shock at the boredom of it all. Once she got over the speechlessness she couldn't stop trying to impress upon me the horror of it all "they were talking about allergies!!!.

And, long term resolutions for the week:
1. Book dentist appointments for both children (two dentists, two jobs)
2. Book self opticians appointment
3. Dye hair
4. Return library books

You have no idea how difficult it actually is to do any of these things, they have not been done for at least three weeks now. Managed to actually renew library books as stop gap achievement though.

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