A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


The work was fine and it was a good and much needed weekend (and oddly, we realised, the first time we had managed to tag a pleasure trip on to a business trip) but it is good to be home. We arrived just in time for a roast pork lunch cooked by this one and my mom. Followed by a very splendid chocolate meringue torte. All of which put Anna in the cooking mood so she made pizzas for her and J's tea.

Good to be back with J too, and although it was a better day than some he is still struggling a lot. He gets on well with my folks but I think may have pushed it a little as he may not have felt able to say when things were too much. I'm sure he doesn't realise but I think my dad has been a little, you could just snap out of it if you chose to.
Though I am very grateful for them having come down; my mom to support Carl in the week and them both to give us this weekend. I am so present to the need for and value of respite care. I hope I don't forget this once we are out of it.

Anyway, we have some new things to try, including melatonin to try and reset his sleep cycles. Speaking of which I must go for an early night in case it doesn't work first time around.

Lesley x

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