
By villagebull

Hula hoops

Today was the big day - our hula hoop workshop! These are the hoops we used. Bigger and heavier than the ones I know from childhood. They're made of rubber piping and taped to give them more friction. That makes them easier to keep up than the light plastic ones. R had to listen to a few surprised comments about  being a man in a hula hoop group, but he represented his sex well and quietly got the hang of it. He was wearing black trousers and a black top and got given a black hula-hoop. The Johnny Cash of the hula hoop world. The teacher was wonderful, small, lithe, jolly. The class was in a room with a mirrored wall, so we could all see how inelegant we looked as we learned how to keep the hoop around our hips, turn around inside the hoop, spin a hoop on our hands, change hands behind our back, spin it around our heads and do a little choreogrpahed routine. Great fun. 

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