Waiting for the Train

Had Coffee with Sunday and Stephen before my Supervisor meeting with Kamilla. She tells me I have made great progress with sounding academic!

Actually, I am quite pleased with this piece so far, even though it is just a draft; it is something I would be interested in reading if someone else wrote it!

Despite being tea-total, (I just don't like the taste of alcohol) I am frequently getting out of bed with a hang-over in the mornings. Either someone is drip feeding me alcohol when I am sleeping, or I am dehydrating in my sleep! I am not sure why this is, I make sure I drink plenty of water at least a litre per day, as well as other drinks.

Still nothing from Lyssa, my messages are bouncing back now, but my medication is cushioning the stabbing pain of her rejection and the rumours of her continuing decline. I have been told she is drinking heavily and shoplifting too now.

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