Nuff said

I was listening to the radio last night whilst cooking the tea. There was an interview with Nigel Fa-ridge. It was all rather predictable, banging on about immigration, and I thought today's blip would have been the mural at St John's at the West End. However, when I went there this afternoon it had been replaced, and I thought that it was just as good. It doesn't take much thought to suggest that the artists are not right wing. The previous one, I added to this blip. The interviewer then went on to ask Fa-ridge about a YouGov poll that found that 28% of UKIP voters were racist. I guess the other 72% were economical about the truth. He didn't answer, then suggested that the most racist party was the SNP, because of its anti-English stances. How does he know? He has been to Scotland, and was treated with the contempt he deserved in an Edinburgh pub. Maybe that is what caused his ridiculous observation.

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