
By TBay

Please can I have a biscuit?

Sort of an emergency blip, and as Pip was on the chair next to me she had to be it!! She is doing all her 'best' moves in order to persuade me that she needed a snack!! It usually works and I usually give in.

Farming - two on compost hauling, one power harrowing and Mr Tbay Jnr muck spreading.

Mr Tbay doing VAT for our freind that we help and sorting her year end out ready for the accounts to be done. A long day for him, after which the Mr Tbays headed for the show ground again. I headed out the door at 7:00 for a YFC Bath and West meeting. I thought I had quite a quiet week but alas this is not the case!!

Did manage a few moment with little Miss! Just so cute and changing every week! Yesterday Mrs Tbay Jn managed to breast feed whilst doing the hoovering! I kid you not! This is extreme multi tasking if ever I saw it!!! Little miss just carried on feeding as if nothing was out of the normal!
Cream crakered tonight. Time to make my way up the little wooden hill!

PS Who remembers Junket as a child?

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