
By Hayls

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...

...who's the snottiest mum of all?

That'll be me. Hence the reason hubby and the boys are at the Campsie & Baldernock Agricultural and Countryside Show (otherwise known as the Campsie Show) without me. I only know its full title because I've been able to hear the compere of the show chatting incessantly through his loudspeaker since 9 this morning - "...and the judging of the black faced sheep will be taking place at 9:30...can I get some volunteers for the falconry display?...can the tractors gather around the main tent at 3pm"...and so on.

Hope they're having fun.

By the way, the blip is Rex, the latest addition to the family. He doesn't say much but he's cheering me up in the boys' absence.

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