The little blue boat

After the Puffin Pool I walked down to Ferry Point in Dingwall. Mike had the dentist until 10 so I had about an hour to explore and to wander about. It was warm and the sun was out in the breaks in the cloud.
I crossed the bridge maybe for the last time as each time I cross I'm sure it wobbles more. The tide was out a fair way so most of the waders and ducks were too far out. I did nt spot the heron this time either which is unusual it must have been further up the river. Several poodles came over to say hello, there seem to be a few in Dingwall.
The gorse was in full bloom and smelling lovely. All the trees were starting to come into leaf with plenty of blue tits pecking at the buds. A possible tree pipit flew up into one of the trees.
As I returned I was surprised at how quickly the water had come in. The two shelducks that I had looking out for were swimming along. I could hear the curlew and oyster catchers. Several gulls were swooping down into the water. There seemed to be lots of bubbles so maybe lots of fish.The gull that nests in the top of one of the old posts was back for nother season.
This little blue boat is back in the water and looked good reflected in the water.
Back home and a sighting of a male siskin. Think the feeders will need filling up daily now they are back !

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