Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

After the babies last week, it was the turn of the toddlers for Rhymetime today - songs with the parachute were especially a hit. We didn't have too many children joining in today but as some were very young and just on their feet that was a good thing and they got to run under the parachute without any bumps. One day I would love to get a shot of their static hair as the nylon parachute rises above their heads!
The children were off school today which is just pants when I've to go to work. Ky stayed in and studied while Josh had the thrill of a bus journey with Grandad to go and collect his new car. Best not to mention Josh's hair cut but it was some what shorter than he had meant it to be and he is feeling very, very self conscious, the beanie hat hasn't come off all day. It's actually so bad we can't even joke about it and if it wasn't for the fact I'm being brave for him I might have cried when I saw my wee convict. And there was me thinking only girls who had bad hair days!
So desperate for a blip I was almost going to take a picture of D when I notice a couple of entries marked Flower Friday, hot footed it out to the garden - clematis already fading and due to the fact we are still being snowed on I haven't planted very much but then I spotted the cherry blossom, light fading so this is the best I could do. 
We did have Futuristic Friday at work today but only the die hard nutters who don't face the public took part - Moon Monkey and his chimp would have scared the children!

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