Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Changing Britain

Not long now. A sunny evening on London's south bank.

I like to come back to blips sometimes and add a few words, knowing they are unlikely to be read by many, but may be discovered by someone, if only me, looking back.

I've been struck by how much the Conservative press, namely the Daily Telegraph, is terrified by change. Whether we like it or not, Scotland is heading for independence, if not fully, then in everything but name and it's almost there now.

I, for one, will be glad when the Scots can no longer rely on the exchequer for subsidising their cost of living. I think the determination to ditch Trident is mean spirited, since this weapon is providing mutual defence and, whatever you think about nuclear weapons - yes, they're terrible - they have prevented any head on clash between the superpowers since World War II.

So the Scots are are saying "we don't want Trident, but, if it comes to stick and lift, you'll stand with us." 

Will we? Imagine a future where two small but relatively wealthy nations, say Norway and Scotland, fall out over fishing rights or north sea oil. I could envisage that. Suppose that leads to war? Absurd? These notions always are, until they happen. 

It doesn't matter, it seems, that a majority of Sots decided, by democratic vote, that Scotland and England were better together. It looks like the noisy minority will prevail. That's rarely a good development for any nation. 


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