Simply Me

By Suze981

Back to Harlaw

The more suspicious of you will think that my woodland walk in the Pentlands a couple of weeks ago was a reconnaissance mission to find running routes. I swear it wasn't, I was just enjoying the walking.

And yet, I was rather taken with the spot so today I returned to Harlaw for a run. This time though I ran along the side of Threipmuir Reservoir, around the Red Moss Of Balerno Wildlife Reserve and finished with 2 laps of Harlaw - one clockwise and one anti-clockwise.

It felt amazing. It felt like I was breathing for the first time in months. I'm certain I don't want to live without this feeling again.

I stopped at 6.5 miles, but it took all of my willpower not to do another loop. This is the longest I've run in such a long time and I don't want to overdo it. I can't get injured again, I just can't. So we'll continue to do it gradually.

This stupid grin on my face will take a while to fade.

Running mileage (15 March - 15 March)
Today's run: 6.5 miles
Total mileage: 41.5 miles

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