May Day (2)

Every May 1st, I get up early to hear the dawn chorus, which I think is one of the wonders of the natural world, and free to anyone who wants to hear it. You don't even have to live in the country, since there is always some blackbird willing to wake people up at silly o'clock.
We walked across the fields to Routin Brig, and saw none on the way, which was just as well since one of my many layers of clothing was a bright pink dressing gown. We did surprise a badger, who had missed his curfew and scuttled off into the wood at amazing speed.
and because D has now retired and no longer needs to grab every little bit of sleep he can, he came along too! Here he is on our return, watching the sun rise above the north-eastern horizon.
The extra photo is of the sun spilling under the door as I shut it behind us and went back to bed :-) 

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