The last day

The dreaded day arrives:  my last day at work:
I was up early and in a much more positive mood than yesterday, apart from a few dodgy moments, which passed quickly with many distractions such as another glass of champagne being poured, more cake, more flowers and lovely gifts, many phone calls and messages, more people dropping in from other local work places with whom I have had long associations and happy professional dealings with;   a long lunch out with my dear boss and a little bit of work done here and there!!  (I’ll have to go back over the weekend to do a bit more).

The dreaded day turned out to be a happy one after all;
I’ve been thoroughly spoilt; our house resembles a beautiful Florist Shop;  Mr T has cooked a wonderful dinner, a bottle of red is open and as long as I don’t drink too much more of it the rest of the evening will be full of good memories ……  and an awful lot of 'Thank You' cards to write!!!

Tomorrow Mr. T and I will be looking forward to the first day of the rest of our lives and we'll embrace the forthcoming ‘Seven Day Weekend’ with excitement!

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