
By PeckhamBelle

Pink for a girl

Sal and I got home from King's just before midnight. A&E was as busy as you would expect on a Bank Holiday Saturday night, but she was seen, x-rayed and discharged within 2.5 hours, which is pretty darn good.  Her foot's not broken, thank goodness, just sore and swollen. She spent the day on the sofa, with Downton Abbey still rumbling away in the background. A day of enforced rest is no bad thing.

It was raining when we woke up, but it slowly turned into the most gorgeous day.  We said goodbye to Harry, picked up Grace from Lottie's, then Jamie and I went 'competitor shopping'. Not competitive shopping - that would be fun, but expensive. Competitor shopping is where we go and see what the competition are selling and how. 

In Royal Baby news, we passed the Post Office Tower lit up pink at the top with lights going round saying 'It's a Girl!'  Nice, happy news.  

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