Newcastle life

By Puffling

Copenhagen countdown

At work all day again today, didn't mind too much as it was raining anyway.

My colleague texted me to remind me to book my seat on the plane on Thursday. I had almost forgot that we are going to Copenhagen in only a few days! I am showing my work at a medical conference- thankfully my poster is already prepared but my list of sights to see is not yet done. I am not sure if I'll get chance to see very much at all since the conference starts at about 8am and doesn't finish until evening. I am circling things on my map and using post-its in my guidebook to make the most of the little sightseeing time that we've got. I love sight seeing and this is my first time in Denmark so quite excited (although not so excited to wake up at 3am to catch my flights!). Its a shame my husband will be left at home too. I'll have to take plenty of photos :)

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