
By samsticks

Society of Beggars

Today was one of those photo-heavy days... everything called out for a picture!

We started off with a coffee and taking my bike in to get an honest opinion on whether it was worth repairing (again). When the repairs came in at an estimated $400, it was pretty obvious to everyone that I was going to need a new steed. Not the best time for this financially, but riding is such an integral part of my life that it's become a priority (and it's still cheaper than public transport!).

After that, with my broken bike on the back of the car, we set off to the Grace Darling for Iain's 40th birthday - a great catch up with friends, a couple of beers and a quiz and a great afternoon was had by all. Miles made everyone laugh by deciding that he was tired and, instead of sleeping in his pram, lay out on the carpet and slept for nearly two hours (before you call social services - it was a private function so he was quite safe!).

Then I set off on my own to Society of Beggars' single launch. Nick (here on the right) used to play in the Shivering Timbers with me, and it was good to see him in his new (more rocky) endeavours!

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