At the Zoo

The monkeys stand for honesty
Giraffes are insincere
And the elephants are kindly but they're dumb
Ourang-outangs are skeptical
Of changes in their cages
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum

People visiting Japan will often remark "Oh the Japanese are so polite".
This is true.  That is unless there is a crowd.  Then it's utter tosh!

Anyway, we made it home in one piece and although it wasn't actually possible to see much of anything apart from other people, I've added some extras.  Last one is a Panda meat dumpling.  Panda, for your information, tastes a lot like pork.  Seems a strange thing to sell in close proximity of the zoo, I know.  I did see a big poster that said save the pandas.  Save them for later so we can put them in meat buns, it should have read.  My wife reckons it's just a regular pork bun in a novelty shape but what does she know, eh?

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