Making a house a home

This sparrow couple worked hard all morning on their nest. I was surprised to see green pine needles going in  I've been watching for the flash of orange and  black feathers, but no orioles to be seen so far today...just sparrows and turkeys.

The annual Town Meeting begins tonight with many controversial articles to be brought up, discussed and voted on. I imagine it will go at least two nights. The first Town Meeting in Hanover was held in 1727. My family name, Josselyn, is mentioned in the old records, we've been here since the beginning of the town.

For the Record, 
This day came in warm and sunny and should be our warmest spring day so far with summer like temps in some spots. It's been 186 days since we have felt warmth like this according to the weather report this noon.

All hands healing, I'm stiff but moving after days of heavy cutting of unwanted Norway Maple saplings and general hard work around the yard.

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