wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Monday Monday

Every Sunday is followed by a Monday. What is up with that?
Every Sunday should be followed by a Saturday. I wasted Sunday by staying in bed. If you take a look at yesterday's blip you will see the assistance I received.

I walked at lunch today. As I was walking down the street, I saw this little tableau. It didn't come out as well as I thought. However the little red boots have ladybugs on them, and I always associate them with my Mom.
Her birthday is this week. I miss her.
On another note,
The ants are back. They kill me. Overnight they showed up. I hate them and there are a lot. So I will make my borax and confectioners solution and that works pretty well.
Well I just did three back blips and I am caught up! So take. Look at the last 3 days. Tony TigerBear makes an appearance. He is so adorable.........
Until tomorrow,
Wakey wakey Downunder ! And good evening to the north!

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