Free to do whatever I please

Today we celebrate 70 years of freedom, a national holiday. We are / I am forever grateful to the allied forces for coming to our rescue!

I spent my day of freedom partly outside, mostly inside. I thought I chose the right time to go out, but as you can see, those clouds don't look to promising... Fifteen minutes into my walk I heard the first distant clap of thunder, which didn't make exactly for a relaxing walk... I upped my step a bit and was back in my car in time.
On my way home I saw very wet streets, much to my surprise. I had seen some rain, but surely not that much? Once on the high-road the skies came loose..., I've never had it this bad while in the car..., I was very glad to make it home safely. 

By the way, most of the time I use the blip app. Unfortunately I can't see the extra photos nor upload extra photos in the app...

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