
I've blipped the pilots seat several times and thought I'd try a new angle.  I quite like it and with the bug splatter on the windshield.

This morning a double trailer blew a tire a short distance in front of me.  I mean - it really blew!!  What a sight and sound!  The tire totally disentegrated and the whole weight fell down on the rim.  Between managing the immediate situation and danger from the debree that it sent all over the road, I got around to the camera too late - which I often keep sitting on the seat beside me - ready to go. 

Then only a minute afterward, there was a second trailer with a blown tire parked off the side of the road.  Somebody drop a bag of nails????

Just a short reminder to always stay vigilent while on the road.  This has been a strange year so far.  I think I must have seen nearly 10 accidents involving trucks...

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