Time for every event...

"A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted." Ecclesiastes 3:2
This past weekend my beautiful resident Rufous Hummingbird died. I think it flew into John's open van door. He brought it to me in his hat. Alexa and I held a proper burial;  we sang Jesus Loves Me This I Know, and I talked about how the Bible says not even a sparrow falls unbeknownst to God. Later the girls decorated the grave with flowers and Jett wrote on a little stone 5.4.15  2015 H-Bird.
Today our teenage granddaughter Aspen's friend died in a car accident on her way home from school, putting my hummingbird sadness into perspective. Time is a gift, not to be taken for granted.

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