
By Onesmallplanet

The old yew tree

My friend and fellow blipper was off today for the Easter holidays so we decided to take a jaunt out to Midlothian to have a look at a tree! Not just any tree but an old (very old! possibly between 500 and 1000 years) yew tree surrounded by it's grown up children. From the outside the tree looks like a giant bush because of the way the branches have formed around the ancient trunk. There is a path through the branches in order for you to reach the gnarled and labyrinthian central trunk. Within this labyrinth also lies several younger yew trees one of which is quite large in it's own right. The sun came out just as I was taking this photo. I love the dappled light effect over the winding appendages of the old yew. My friend and I were marveling over how much colder it was underneath the tree it seemed at least 5 degrees colder than the outside temperature! An afternoon well spent!

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