Planko's Pics

By planko


The biggest challenge today wasn't deciding who to vote for (no brainier, #votesnp), nor was it being the first madman to take two designs through two separate governance committees the same day at work (approved, yippee!, thanks Alan), no, it was the milky way challenge, try and figure out how to get it buckshee. No one managed.

I suspect I'll be up early tomorrow morning to see the results. Whilst I'd love a yellowash of all seats in Scotland to the SNP I doubt the polls and would settle for over three times the previous number, 30 seats would be good, as long as big Chris Law and Stewart Hosie win and kick Labour oot o Dundee, Pete Wishart wins for Perthshire, Alex for Gordon and Kirsten Oswald (another Dundonian) boots oot Jim Murphy. Fingers crossed. #votesnp.


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