Normal Sunday service...

... is not in operation!

Lazy wee thing that I am, I am accustomed to spending many Sunday afternoons in the generous company of my parents. Reading the papers my father has bought, eating the dinner my mother has cooked.

Today father generously let me use his power washer. There had been something of 'an incident' on my car. I won't say more, other than to mention my grave concern for the diet of the birds in my street.

Anyway, this power washing thing isn't as easy as I thought. "Let the water do the work" was the theory. Hmmm. Perhaps the birds had just left too much of a challenge but my arms were tired by the end.

And my father was clearly so amused by the unusual effort on my part that he took to being an honourary blipper for the day and got this shot of me hard at work.

Chicken's cooking away now though and our bellies are full of fruit loaf from 'the Elf' so happiness reigns. Car is gleaming too ;-)

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