Cycle path

It is a lovely sunny day in Edinburgh and I didn't have much to do so I went a walk down to the Quarry where there is a supermarket and TK Maxx. I'd not been this way before, down the cycle path, and it was very nice and also quite an efficient route. Had a look round, didn't buy much, then got my groceries and headed back.

Back in Muirhouse, a church group was holding a little picnic and party in the park to celebrate the Jubilee. There is a sort of raised platform bit and they had drums and a keyboard and they were entertaining a fairly substantial crowd with some gospel singing. They were good, and it was so nice how all the kids and families were enjoying it. You don't see much stuff like that going on round here.

In other Jubilee news I painted my nails red, white and blue (alternate nails). It looks rubbish. Back to something sparkly tomorrow.

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