
By rubyjones

The Lady in red.

Don't you want to stab Chris de Burgh sometimes?

Met up with LeeAnne last night at the bar. God, it's been so long since I last posted, I've forgotten how to link. Oh fuck it.
I hope it didn't show that I'd had a couple of (big) flat ciders before she arrived. I suspect my sweary rantyness with the twitch plus me weeing my pants to get more drinking time might have given the game away. Still, it was great to meet LeeAnne finally, even smelling of urine. And the whole street came to see her, (they can smell fresh meat a mile away) it was like my journal had come to life. She even shouted 'Archie!' Before being introduced. I think my accent scared her though. Even though I told her I was from London, I think she thought I would talk like Princess Di maybe, not like Arthur Mullard in a jellied eel hat. And pants by the end of the night.

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