
Last December Mum was 90 but just before Christmas wasn't a good time for taking her on outings for presents (the 5 children gave her a variety of days out and have gradually been working through them).
Today we had a mild and bright day to take her to Powfoot on the Solway coast which is where she spent many holidays as a child as her grandparents lived there. We had a wander round the village, investigated places she remembered, stopped at the church (couldn't go in) where she was when WW2 was declared and had lunch in a hotel in Annan. The original plan was lunch at the Powfoot Golf Hotel but it is closed "until further notice".
Walking along the shore are views across the Solway to Skiddaw - not far to Mum's in a straight line!- and also of Criffel.
Coming back to our cottage wasn't pleasant as the weather reverted to heavy rain

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