All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Pittencrieff Park

Ethan has been very confused by what day it is this week, with the schools having been off Monday and Tuesday.  That must be why he thought he could have a lie in today - I had to wake him up at 8.15am to get him to school on time!

He had dance class after school, after which we drove to the 42's house.  After a bit of playtime with Miss42, Mrs42 drove the 4 of us to Dunfermline where we were planning to visit the Palace & Abbey.  However, having started to walk through Pittencrieff Park, we discovered the path we needed to take was blocked off and we couldn't find an alternative reasonable route to get there.  The kids weren't too fussed though as it meant they got to play in the playparks there instead!

We were still there at 5.30pm so decided to eat out, which again pleased Ethan & Miss42 no end!

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