I suppose you think this is funny don't you Yeye

If you look at the first of today's additional pictures you will see that Megan is not in a swimming pool but what I can only describe as half of a fairly large barrel. Hardly surprising that she is non too impressed. As if being woken up and having a rubber ring placed around your neck is not enough of an insult to your dignity, they then go and float her in a barrel like a bobbing apple in autumn and then add insult to injury by photographing the whole thing.

Not to worry Megan. I have preserved your modesty with a strategically placed fig leaf.

Message from Luke today. He wants 3 silhouettes, one of the Guilin mountains, one of the Great Wall and one of the Shanghai skyline. I asked why and was told they are for 3 books that he is publishing, the first one available on Kindle in the very near future. Haven't a clue what they are about but am dying to know. All credit to the lad for his entrepreneurship and for not letting his dyslexia hold him back. On that last point, I think I should subtly ask if he wants someone to proof read them for him.

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