New town

Having to write my blips early on account of no wifi or phone signal at the house!

We also have no telly so we are reading and feasting on previously unwatched DVDs. Last night we had a curry and watched the Alan Partridge film, Alpha Papa which was funny and very ridiculous and just what we needed.

Angus gave me a lie-in this morning which I was very grateful for. It felt like I have needed that lie-in for about 3 weeks!!!

The boxes are still half unpacked and I have hardly any make-up or clothes so am a bit dishevelled until I find them. It feels very strange and I am looking forward to getting everything out and straight.

But we were going stir crazy earlier so decided some fresh air and a walk round our new town was in order. We both feel like we're on holiday and it's still very surreal. Wilmslow is great though, very upmarket and lots of facilities and eerily quiet considering it's a Saturday.

We are currently holed up in Cafe Nero making the most of the internet. Squidge has a Cbeebies magazine and stickers and we are glued to our phones catching up on social media and news. It really does feel like we're on holiday in the UK!!!

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