Drinking deep

One advantage of getting up at 06:00am on a Saturday is that you can get a lot of work done! I spent much of the day figuring out how I am going to get through the next seven or eight weeks as we move into 'conference season'. When I was submitting abstracts for conference papers and accepting speaking invitations in the depths of winter, June 2015 sounded so far off! Anyway, I now have a plan and I know that I will deliver - if only because I always seem to manage to do so.

By 16:00 I had a carefully constructed 'To do' list of 75 items, with all tasks and deadlines scheduled in my calendar. All I need to do now is work my way through it all in the right order...

In the late afternoon we took a walk around the Royal Botanic Garden where we watched this bee enjoy his supper.

Exercise today: walk to the Royal Botanic Garden and back (7,175 steps).

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