Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Tapti wreck

Early start this morning as it was ropes off at 8am. Nice sunny day with flat calm seas. When up the Sound of Mull and headed over to the north west point of Mull to dive the Arianna. On the way we had a large pod of dolphins around the boat. This wreck has been battered about a bit and apart from the boiler, where I got stuck between them a few years ago, there isn't much above the sea bed. Had a nice dive but still very cold at 8 degrees. Viz wasn't too bad either.
Had a long surface interval which allowed us to go over the the Tapti on the south east corner of Coll. On the way we had Minke whales and Baskin sharks. Fantastic dive and even better viz than this morning. Her is J swimming around part of the wreck at 20m. Lots of seals on the surface and managed a quick glimpse underwater.
Had a long journey back which meant we were on the boat for 12 hours today. Just before we got home we saw a pod of porpoise. Everyone was knackered when we got back at 8pm. Some food and then bed.
The extras are few other shots with the new camera setup.

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