Gifts of Grace

By grace

Looking up

10th May 2015.  Things are looking up - not just this house sparrow caught on a bright blue day over a month ago.

I've been offline (at home) and pretty much off Blip for ten weeks due to technical circumstances seemingly beyond anyone's control.  Finally resolved, for the laptop at least yesterday.  Hurrah.

Have spent the weekend wrestling with compatibility issues - couldn't open any of my backed up documents till 10.00 this evening.  Thought I'd lost ALL my writing - I hadn't - SUCH a drama queen.

I need to find a new way with Blip, ten weeks offline has been a bliss of quietude, like living in the 1950's or somesuch.  Much food for thought about the pros and cons of technology.  Only picked up the camera maybe half a dozen times.  Have lost touch with the thread of all your lives.  

The quality of images and writing on here is really quite daunting, so many of you really pour your hearts and souls onto the screen.  I think I may have forgotten how to do that. Let us see what wants to happen ...

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