Believe it or not....

it was very busy in here most of the day and did i take any photographs....NO!!!  I completely forgot about my camera and then near the end of the afternoon i realised i hadn't taken a photo.

So here is a very empty studio !   But actually that shows how busy it really was, and how clean it is!!!  All those folks would have just made it look so chaotic!   The cupcakes were a total hit....and we still have a few left for Terry and I!!!

The show was a great success - and i had some wonderful visits with friends and just as i predicted....a car load of MammoWarrior came down the drive 10 minutes early!    They did that last when the next car with a couple of MammoWarriors arrived at the PROPER Time....there were some gasp of betrayal!!!   Oh dear, i can see a repeat of a sale i used to have in my previous studio.   2 competing families would try to out do each other and show up earlier and earlier!!!   I should point out that one of the big draws (apart from the astonishingly beautiful cup cakes!) is that i slash the prices of old stock, slightly flawed pieces etc....up to 70% off!   I have a great time watching as they gather their loot!

But it was a long day....and by 4.30pm i was toast so i took a lovely nap and now i'm reinvigorated for the evening.

It was also very warm today and we might have lost another few cm's of snow!!

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