Glory Days...

By emkingcol

Gerra n orse

Jubilee day and in London again, where else to be on such an occasion!

Kids up early and weather not looking great so headed down to London bridge just before lunch and it was already bursting at the seems with people so plan b kicked in and a trip up to Camden to while away a few hours round the markets.

Love camden. Full of quirky, cool people and funky stalls and shops. Had the mother of all fajitas at one if the hundreds of different food stalls that cater for every taste around the world.

The blip is of a horse we found deep into the maze of market stalls that you can literally get lost in!

Back in a cab, the driver reluctantly took us back to London bridge which was busy beyond belief but managed to catch a few of the flotilla as they passed underneath. To be honest, I'm glad we didn't spend the day there as the volume of people and the torrential rain took the edge off it but at least we can say we were there!

Got back to the apartment soaked, hot bath, kids to bed, shithead with the wife!

Another glorious day in our great nation's capital.

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