
Growing up I had two mums, my mum, Pat and her twin sister Pam. 

Family folklore has it that for the first six months of my life I didn't stop crying at all, not even for a moment, and my mum, dad and aunt took it in turns to stay up with me every night, carry me about and try not to kill me.  My mum always said she wouldn't have survived those months without Pam.  I don't think I would have either.

My mum was the older twin and always felt responsible for Pam.  When they were separated into different classes at school she was devastated and spent her days worrying that she couldn't protect her sister.  When one was in pain the other felt it.  As the elder, my Mum grew up to be strong, brave and protective of her loved ones.  She was also the kindest, and wisest person I have ever known.  My brother and I grew up knowing we were loved, safe and that we always had someone who would know just what to do in a crisis.

With Auntie Pam we knew we were loved just from the crushing bear hugs we'd get all the time for no reason other than just because.  She was fierce in her protection of her loved ones too and was embarrassingly and terrifyingly magnificent in the face of mindless bureauocracy.  My dad says I remind him of her more and more every day!  She never failed to see the happy or the funny side of anything.

I remember them laughing, cup of coffee always in hand and in the gardens they loved so much.  As a grown up my favourite thing was to just love being part of their coffee breaks, to sit near them, to know whatever I did they'd still love me to the moon and back and to listen to them talk and laugh and love each other.

They'd have been 73 today and I miss them today, as I do every day. 

Happy Birthday Mum and Pam Pam xxxx

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