One if those things that has to be done here

Thank you for all your kind comments for yesterday's blip.

Dovedale looks busier than it really was today.  We walked the 7 miles return (by O.S. maps or 6 miles by National Trust signposts or 10 miles by our aches and pains) from  one end of Dovedale to the other at Milldale. 
One day, when we have time to spare and the Wifi is good, we might upload some of the lovely scenery and wildlife we saw there.  However, tonight we are relaxing and recharging our batteries for tomorrow.  This holiday business is hard work!  :-)  Hope you have had as enjoyable day as us.
Extra picture - Dippers in the river.  I tried to upload one of the bridge at the other end of the dale but it doesn't want  to know again!

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