There and back again

By Mikes

What a load of Bull!!

Back on the tops this morning but gone is the spring sunshine, in fact it was b*****
cold. By the time we passed moorgate it was obvious that the mist was down and as soon as we got out of the car we could feel the bitter wind, so it was on with wooly pullies, windproofs and hats. BUT WE WERE BACK.

We did our walk to the top of the tor and were bemoaning the fact that the herd of Highland Cattle who gave us so much pleasure, watching them last summer had not made a reappearance, when over the top of a wall I spotted a tuft of red hair!!!
They were back and with them the daddy of all bulls What a beauty!

At the moment they are in a walled enclosure where they started last year before being let out to roam the moor, I am wondering what will happen this year with this big fellow with them.

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