Dandelion Clock

Did a spot of Flumlet-minding while his parents attended a funeral, so we had half an hour to explore the environs of Seafield.

He was still a little sleepy so we watched the traffic for a bit, because we like lorries and cars, then found a nice little lane where we blew dandelion clocks and watched a bumblebee gathering pollen on an impressive Ceanothus bush. 

Across Leith Links we discovered the Children's Orchard tucked away near the raised footpath; the murals are stunning and blossom on the fruit trees at its best, so I've included a second photo to give you an idea of what it is like. It seems very well designed, even the surrounding hedge includes currant, hazel and elder bushes; we must remember to come again in autumn to see the results.

We returned as the service was over and handed the Flumlet back, just as he was beginning to wake up and take notice. Oh well, at least Mr Flum and I had a nice time.

BTW, does anyone have any idea why, since the takeover, portrait photos are loaded sideways? I find it so frustrating trying to alter the orientation correctly, particularly as there is no longer a preview function; Blipcentral seem to think that having an edit function fulfils all our needs...

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