Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

The times they are a changing

Backblip as I'm blipping this on the 15th (haven't taken many pics for a while)

Well there been a lot going on here the last week or so.

Mr L has been to the Isle of White for work so have had two solo bath and bed times first one wasn't wonderful as Isaac took an age to go to sleep and kept on disturbing Elliot. Second night was better as they hadn't napped in the day so were shattered and dropped off pretty quickly.

It was my cousin Greg's birthday but as he is in the middle of his exams in uni we haven't seen him (saving on me having to buy a card).

My Grancha (dad's dad) passed away on the 14th he was 88 and had been in ill health for a good while. The positive outcome from this is that my dad will be home on the weekend to sort out everything that needs sorting.

I've had some interesting news which means I maybe returning to my former job as a temp for 6 months but it maybe a way to get back into work which will be nice. Getting all the info off my former team leader on Monday and investigating childcare.

Interesting times ahead possibly

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