
So part of the make over, you get an expresso machine - with little coffee capsules. Coloured blue brown and green. No idea what the different colours represent. Also no instructions I could find. So how hard could it be, insert capsule into slot, pull on lever press button I assume.
Insert capsule, drops straight through into waste receptacle.
Try again more carefully, it lodges - pull lever - resistance, no - its not going to close.. crumpled capsule drops out. 
Try with different capsule - after some struggling much the same... Last capsule - several goes, then the thing closes up. I press the button, so water comes out at a very slow trickle... I wait for the cup to fill up... its taking a time. I notice a quickly spreading pool of hot water pouring across the desk.
Desparately switch machine off - grab a towel from the bathroom, soak up as much as I can. There seems to be gallons of it. The towel looks like I've had some sort accident... urghh..
I switch to tea.
By the end of the week I'd just about got it cracked, with the aid of a torch to locate the capsule to the nearest mm.

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