Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Sunnier Weather Ahead?

First and foremost, thank you everyone who congratulated me on my 365th Blip. In my haste (why do I never have more time???) I failed to even realize I had reached that milestone! I only wish I could have actually accomplished that mark in 365 days!

The weather here is so incredibly rainy. The sun barely begins to show its face and then the rain falls once again. Gloomy weather makes for gloomy days! I finally decided to head to the lake. Perhaps the goose family I had spotted yesterday would be such luck.

There was an atmosphere of a party going on in Woodville. I asked a fellow I came across what was happening and he told me it was the annual Canandaigua Lake Trout Derby. That would have been interesting, but I am too shy to take people photos!!! Sad, but true.

So I stepped out and saw these pretty Water Irises. They sure look like sunshine! We need sunshine! Unfortunately, if the weatherman is accurate, we will bwe seeing rain right through until next Sunday! Uh oh....looks like lots of soggy Blips ahead for me!!!

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