Sad day

In the grand scheme of things it's not a major upset - but in my little world it was an emotional afternoon, Steven Gerrard's last home game for Liverpool after 17 seasons. There aren't many true clubmen left these days and he has been such an important part of the team for so many years.

I shed a few tears watching the build up to the game. And for the second weekend running You'll Never Walk Alone finished me off!

The game itself was a let down, the opposition didn't follow the script. And there's still one game left this season - bit it's hard to imagine the team without him.

I don't have a season ticket any more, so I wasn't there to witness it, but this was my little tribute to a great player. I have many great memories of watching him, and he's one of the best.

The little statue was my dad's - "worlds greatest football supporter" - and I like to think that he will have been watching today, cheering on his last hero, although nobody ever lived up to Billy Liddell in his eyes. That just made it all the more emotional. I miss him every single day but on days like today it's even harder.

To Stevie G - thanks for the memories, and good luck in LA. Hopefully you'll be back!

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