Proud Weegie

By Shiv


I had the girls round last night. Fabulous to have us all together.  Too many empty bottles for perimenopausal women who can't handle a hangover,

But it was great.

Swapping stories of our little darlings at nursery together, school, now dabbling in University. A great night.

Meanwhile a couple of the protagonists were heading into town for a night out.  Wafting past us at silly-o'clock with expensive cosmetics and ridiculous shoes.

However, No 1 didn't come home as planned later. Mr S was (rightly) very annoyed.  She has only been 18 and able to go out clubbing at night for a few months and still needs to understand the ground rules. i.e., text mum if you are sleeping over. text mum when you get back, text mum to tell her to call off the police search team, helicopter and search dogs.

It's tricky. As a mum you don't want to stifle their enthusiasm, their excitement at being 'adults'. I refuse to stand at the back door, tapping my foot, with my hair in 'rollers' sayng ' And what time do you call this !!!?'.  

But we worry.

I hope she got the message.  We fuss because we care.  Live your life, have fun, be (a little bit) wild....but come home safe.

Here's No 3. on an aborted trip to Crammond Island before the hail and rain came !

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